Third Party Library Usage

The Development Practices section of the Add-ons Policies lists the requirements for the use of third-party libraries in add-ons.

In order for reviewers to verify that these requirements are met, you must provide links to the library source code as part of the AMO submission process. If you don't provide information about third-party libraries and the reviewer cannot evaluate your extension, it may be rejected.

If your extension uses minified, obfuscated or otherwise machine-generated first-party code, please see our requirements for that.

Use of package managers

Extensions developers can use package managers and package repositories like npm to retrieve third party libraries.

With a default npm configuration, third party library dependencies are declared in the project's package.json file: this qualifies as a third party library link as previously described.

Reviewers must be able to retrieve and review all packages used by your extension. Therefore, the use of private packages or non-public registries is permissible but not recommended. If you use non-public dependencies, you must include the relevant node_modules sub-directories in your source code submission.